Coronavirus-19 has changed the way that people perceive illness. No one enjoys being struck with a virus or bacterial infection. However, a quick trip to a physician has always presented hope that it is always temporary. That hope has been tested with the emergence of COVID-19.
Coronavirus treatment methods have brought an onslaught of questionable answers from the medical community with a little prognosis that the end is in sight. New strains have been discovered, additional symptoms continue to pop up, and kicking the virus with 100% certainty is not an option.
The Approaching of Holistic Care
Holistic care has long been an option for various physical and mental conditions. Until recently, patients have been led to believe that isolation at home or in a medical facility was the only way to contain this disease in the hope of a positive result. Humans are social animals and science has missed the boat with this clinical way of thinking. While containment is a good way to prevent the spread, the physical and mental health of the patient comes at a high price.
Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM)
The Parul Sevashram Hospital which is located in Vadodara, India, has introduced a program referred to as Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM). By implementing 5 holistic-based steps, anti-inflammatory and anti-stress reduction were found in active Covid-19 patients. These therapies include:
- A health and nutrition diet plan
- Selected yoga and exercise regiment
- Relaxing music
- AYUSH medicines designed to boost the immune system
- Activities such as playing games with patients or reading
Being left alone in a sterilized room with no timeline for recovery or any social interaction with others can slow down the healing process and create undue stress and irritability.
A diet that was rich in protein, and low on fats and carbohydrates with added natural antioxidants was introduced and 5 meals a day were given. Yoga exercises for joints and specific breathing techniques were introduced early each morning. Soothing music via television was made available to patients of their choosing. A kit of Ayurveda medicines, such as Samashamani Vati, Sudarshana Dhanvati, and Khadiradi Vati was presented to patients upon arrival to be taken at will. Indoor games and access to other patients provided needed social interaction.
Implementing the Program
Providers were reluctant to move away from traditional methods but soon discovered a difference in patient attitude and length of hospital stays. The procedures of CAM have been deemed a success and are now being used around the world.
Not only can holistic care offer positive results to patients with hard to manage diseases, but the cost is minimal, and the mental and physical status is vastly improved. There is a place for holistic care and science to work as one in the field of conquering the unknown.
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